West Coast Vibes Blog

Laughing Through Life - The Dad Joke Chronicles

Laughing Through Life - The Dad Joke Chronicles

As a dad myself, I can attest to the transformative power of fatherhood, particularly in the realm of humour. It all started innocently enough. The moment I became a father, a switch seemed to flip in my brain, unleashing a torrent of puns and wordplay that I never knew I was capable of. Whether it was changing diapers or...

Mother’s Day is Your Day

I'm a Fucking Delight T-Shirt Hiking
Instead of the typical Mother’s Day routine, we’re starting a new trend: May 12th as your personal day off. Yes, you heard right. This Mother’s Day, we’re all about giving moms the day off they truly deserve. No more boring brunches where you end up chasing toddlers between tables or trying to prevent a public meltdown over spilled orange juice.